Wednesday, March 17, 2004

Marathon Run #21 (6 miles)

Did this run outside and it was a brutal!! Total time- 1:01, just over 10 minute/mile. Left work early (3:30) and temps were in the 30s w/ a slight drizzle/freezing rain. Never could quite get in the groove. I think it was because of the cold. Also, dropped the Ipod and the collar broke so I had to stop to put it in the fanny pack. Also, legs were rubbing together which was kinda painful and definitely annoying. Also, I need to figure out a better way to avoid the lights. Got home jumped in the shower, just got done stretching and now going to have some Ravioli. Going to call a cab around 6:30 for the trip to SDF. A little hectic but I'm glad I was able to get the run done. Talk to ya..