Sunday, November 21, 2004

Sunday night

Watching "touching the void" on WETA. Its a little different from the DVD, they have some additional voiceovers but not too much. Got the car washed today and it looks pretty good when its clean. Its running fine too so I have a hard time justifying getting a new car. Looked at my finances too and I'm better off waiting a few months before buying so I'm thinking I'll get the Forrester in March or April. No hurry either way.

Went to watch Michigan and Illinois play yesterday but the bars were really crowded, Erin, Drew, and I tried three different bars before we ended up staying at Mr. Days. Left just after halftime since we were standing.

Saw Julius today to observe a visitation. He looks great and is walking around alot- he just wanted to explore. It was a good visit and L seems to be doing well. Also went to the gym and ran three miles and worked the legs. Total time: 25:55....thinking about running another marathon in May w/ Erin. She convinced me to shoot for an 8:45 pace with a marathon time of 3:45 hrs....thats a full 1:30 faster pace and 45 minutes shorter than what I ran in SF (10:15/4:30 hrs). I think it can be done....I figure I can take 15 minutes off right away because of the SF hills so then I just need to shave another half hour. Yeah right, we'll see......

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