Thursday, November 18, 2004


Kind of a long read but interesting:

It talks about that climber I mentioned in the blog below. I like this quote:

Maddi suggests that well-adjusted people are "good at turning everyday experience into something interesting. My guess is that the safecracker or the mountain climber can't do that as well. They have to do something exciting to get a sense of vitality. It's the only way they have of getting away from the sense that life sucks.

Well-adjusted people? Thats harsh. So according to this, if I wasn't climbing I'd be addicted to drugs, gambling....Hmmmmm.....strangely enough I have noticed my "need" to go to Vegas at least twice a year has dropped since I've started climbing. Also going to learn snowboarding this winter. After reading "touching the void", now I want to try mountaineering. I'm sensing a pattern. We'll see.

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